Taurus Horoscope

Jul 28, 2024… Outside of an 80s movie, standing outside someone’s window blasting music or singing a song could be considered creepy, not romantic. I feel like that discretionary warning should start your day, Taurus, with a grand air trine today. That whole vibe could bring your feelings to the surface while encouraging communication. While saying it with a song could be cute, read the room. And familiarize yourself with noise ordinances. Speaking up and keeping an open mind could also be the vibe, and if you don’t feel particularly inclined for a romantic move today, use this energy to speak up at work or with a friend.

Today’s Astrovibe for 7/27/24: The Moon in Aries will conjunct Chiron and then move into Taurus to trine Mercury in Virgo today. You could see a shift to a more thoughtful vibe… as in overthinking. Oopsie! Don’t let your thoughts get too heavy, friend. The good news is that carefully and maturely thinking things through, without the stress, can lead to good things personally or professionally. You’ve got this, you brilliant thinker!



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