Aquarius Horoscope

Jul 28, 2024… Imma crack your head open like a pistachio, Aquarius. Wait! That wasn’t a threat! You see, the Moon in Taurus square Venus in Leo will be promoting awesome energies for practicing open-mindedness, so it could be like your head’s a cracked open nut. Get it? We’ll laugh about this someday, just you wait. In the meantime, you can make use of the energies in other ways, like trying out a new, unusual hobby or giving someone’s wacky idea the benefit of the doubt. Keep your mind wide open, WB.

Today’s Astrovibe for 7/27/24: The Moon in Aries will conjunct Chiron and then move into Taurus to trine Mercury in Virgo today. You could see a shift to a more thoughtful vibe… as in overthinking. Oopsie! Don’t let your thoughts get too heavy, friend. The good news is that carefully and maturely thinking things through, without the stress, can lead to good things personally or professionally. You’ve got this, you brilliant thinker!



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