Leo Horoscope

Sep 15, 2024… If you like chopped liver then you’re gonna adore the vibes coming at you this Sunday, Leo. Yeah, maybe not so much. Even if the Moon in Aquarius trine Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini and square Uranus in Taurus promotes heavily emotional communications, it will unleash learning energies for your benefit. Make the best of the vibes by going beyond literal words exchanged and instead pay attention to pretext, body language, and even tone of voice. A lot goes unnoticed if it goes unsaid. So, power up your skills of observation and overcome communication troubles. Right on!

Today’s Astrovibe for 9/14/24: The Moon in Cap will conjunct Pluto and then move into Aquarius today. You may start the day questioning your (or someone else’s) beliefs, but then as the day progresses, you may realize that actions count more than just what you believe. Here’s to starting new things and new ways of looking at things.



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