Libra Horoscope

Apr 27, 2024… Adding things to your backpack of knowledge sounds like full nerd mode, but you know smart is hot AF, right, Libra? And today, you’ll be looking pretty hot indeed as the Moon in Sag square Mars and Neptune in Pisces and trine Chiron and Venus in Aries. Not only will communication flow easily, but you’ll also likely come across a lot of great ideas, which could create interesting conversations or give you a perspective you didn’t have before. Like everything else, you’ll use what you learn in your plans for world domination — erm, I mean, career objectives. Let the haters hate on your mad planning skills. You just keep on keeping on, brilliant Scales.

Today’s Astrovibe for 4/26/24: The Moon in Sag will square Saturn in Pisces and trine Mercury in Aries. All of you sensational Signs could see a unique day unfold for you. Inspired ideas may abound. Intelligence, surprises, personal growth, insight and personal power are all things that can be turned up full blast. Whoo hoo!




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