Libra Horoscope

Jan 21, 2025… Boss mojo looks good on you, Libra. While that’s nothing new for you, today’s vibe could have you stepping fully into your power. Today will be about boss moves and a boss attitude to go with them. The vibe will have you trusting your gut but being able to think through your options and making the smartest choice. You’ll be working smarter, not harder, and looking hot doing it, Scales.

Today’s Astrovibe for 1/20/25: The Moon in Libra will oppose Chiron in Aries and square Mercury in Cap and Mars in Cancer today. With this vibe, we could see potential for a healing of the mind. Or, perhaps it will lend a hand for getting information to help you on your path. Either way, knowledge and wisdom will rule the day.



New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions for Each Zodiac Sign

It’s that time again! Each Zodiac Sign will be busy making New Year’s resolutions...