Sagittarius Horoscope

Apr 26, 2024… If something seems fishy, it isn’t YOU. I mean you don’t smell bad. At least not when you’re sleeping. Wait… what? Anyway, Sagittarians will likely experience insight on high thanks to the Moon in Sag square Saturn in Pisces and trine Mercury in Aries. You can use this boost throughout the day to figure out if opportunities may be too good to be true, but also to help others if they seek your insight and guidance. Don’t sell yourself short, Saggy. Your gut feelings can take you far and help you avoid catastrophe, so don’t second guess them. There’s a strong Universe-level chance that you’ll be right. So, if something DOES smell fishy, that could be your spidey senses tingling. Believe in you.

Today’s Astrovibe for 4/25/24: The Moon in Scorpio will oppose Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and trine Neptune and Mars in Pisces. Why so serious, Universe? Well, it could ring in a day full of good lessons, growth, seeing what can be salvaged and what should be torn down and restarted. A transformational vibe will be in the air… ready for you to inhale.




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