Sagittarius Horoscope

Apr 25, 2024… May the tears you shed in the past drown your enemies in the future, Saggy. There will be a chance for growth this Thursday as the Moon in Scorpio opposing Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and trine Neptune and Mars in Pisces. Whatever has been bogging you down can be dealt with if you power up with the transformative vibes. You don’t have to let these things keep you down any longer. Stride forward with confidence (even if you have to fake it at first) and conquer your demons, one at a time. Don’t hold back, Sag (but don’t actually drown anyone, k?). Leap toward your potential!

Today’s Astrovibe for 4/26/24: The Moon in Sag will square Saturn in Pisces and trine Mercury in Aries. All of you sensational Signs could see a unique day unfold for you. Inspired ideas may abound. Intelligence, surprises, personal growth, insight and personal power are all things that can be turned up full blast. Whoo hoo!




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