The Zodiac Signs From The Mouths Of Babes

Zodiac Kids
Zodiac Kids

Kids say the darndest things — and sometimes those things are weirdly insightful and hilariously relatable. We’ve paired some of the funniest quotes from elementary schoolers with each of the Zodiacs, and they seem totally on point. Amiright or amiright?


You have to have a backstory to why you’re evil, right?
*casually walks away*
— Billy, 7 years old.


I thought I needed a hug but I really need pancakes.
— Kayla, 7 years old.


I don’t know what I said. I wasn’t listening to myself.
— Brandon, 6 years old.


My brother wants to be a marine biologist when he grows up, so I want to be a dolphin. Then we’ll be together forever.
— Sasha, 7 years old.


I have enough friends already. But thanks for asking!
— Sam, 6 years old.


I wanted detention so I could be alone and read my book. Thank you.
— Amanda, age 10.


Shhh… go back to work. I have a list of things I want you to buy me with the money you’re making.
— Lily, 5 years old.


So many feelings for one brain.
— Brayden, 6 years old.


I’ll tell you what I’m going to do this weekend. I’m not going to put a shirt on. Probably not pants either.
— Cole, 5 years old.


I’m not cheating. I’m only helping myself win.
— Crystal, 5 years old.


I appreciate my teachers for teaching me words that help me argue with my parents.
— Dylan, 7 years old.


I am okay. I have more happy than I do sad.
— KeShon, 6 years old.

You never know what will come out of a child’s mouth, let me tell you. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s embarrassing, occasionally it’s philosophical, and often it’s a mix of everything. We hope you got some giggles from these elementary schoolers’ quotes and can see just why they vibe with each Zodiac sign!

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