Leo Horoscope

Jul 26, 2024… Stop fanning yourself with one dollar bills, Leo. You’re worth a handful of five dollar bills, at least! So, the Moon in Aries trine Venus in Leo will unleash splurge energies and you will likely have to fight the desire to give into them, particularly when it comes to burning a hole in your wallet. The truth is, some comfort could be beneficial. However, treating yourself doesn’t have to mean charging credit cards to the max. A little something-something could do the trick. Lift your spirits responsibly.

Today’s Astrovibe for 7/27/24: The Moon in Aries will conjunct Chiron and then move into Taurus to trine Mercury in Virgo today. You could see a shift to a more thoughtful vibe… as in overthinking. Oopsie! Don’t let your thoughts get too heavy, friend. The good news is that carefully and maturely thinking things through, without the stress, can lead to good things personally or professionally. You’ve got this, you brilliant thinker!



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