Taurus Horoscope

May 15, 2024… Go ahead, adjust your schedule to make room for self-care if you can. Mid-week love! With a Moon in Leo square Mercury in Aries and square the Sun, Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, the mood could be all about spur of the moment nurturing. Just be sure not to focus all that energy on everyone else without leaving any of it for yourself. Treat yourself if you can, but make room to enjoy some friendly interactions today, too. Soak it in, and adjust those lofty standards and remind yourself that self-care can still be super productive, Bull. Can’t pour from an empty cup and all that, right?

Today’s Astrovibe for 5/15/24: The Moon in Leo will square Mercury in Aries and square the Sun, Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus today. A more balanced and friendly, loving energy comes into play. Nice! A little self-care for mid week would be great, so you can get into nurturing yourself or other people. This can also be a great vibe for reorganizing for any goal-related challenges. Hit it!



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