Scorpio Horoscope

Jan 20, 2025… Whether you’re riding the struggle bus or getting run over by it, things could take a turn for the better this Monday. You thought I was gonna say “worse,” huh, Scorpster? Nope! The Moon in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries and square Mercury in Cap and Mars in Cancer will brew up some good stuff and promote brainy energies. It could be easier than usual to find information that can help you on your path, whether that’s your path toward achieving goals, healing, and growth. Maybe all three! Give it a go, Scorpio.

Today’s Astrovibe for 1/20/25: The Moon in Libra will oppose Chiron in Aries and square Mercury in Cap and Mars in Cancer today. With this vibe, we could see potential for a healing of the mind. Or, perhaps it will lend a hand for getting information to help you on your path. Either way, knowledge and wisdom will rule the day.



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