Aries Horoscope

Sep 14, 2024… Replaying that one conversation 52 times probably won’t change anything, Aries. But nice job on the witty comebacks! Delivering those in real-time may be an art, but somehow rehearsing it in your head doesn’t seem to perfect the timing. Second-guessing yourself could be the whole vibe of a Moon in Cap conjunct Pluto and then moving into Aquarius. But good news! Saturday will end with propelling it out of that over-thinking and over-feeling vibe and into an action-oriented one. Figuring out a way forward will help you feel surer of yourself. Just take the next right step. Then the next one. Even the smallest action in the right direction could bring the sweetest sigh of relief. So keep stepping and don’t give up, Ram.

Today’s Astrovibe for 9/14/24: The Moon in Cap will conjunct Pluto and then move into Aquarius today. You may start the day questioning your (or someone else’s) beliefs, but then as the day progresses, you may realize that actions count more than just what you believe. Here’s to starting new things and new ways of looking at things.



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