Gemini Horoscope

Jul 26, 2024… Screaming “mine, mine, mine” while laughing maniacally could have you cast as the next super-villain, but that could be the general mood of a Moon in Aries trine Venus in Leo. Actually, this big energy vibe could be used to be more collaborative in your approach to success. Lifting others may not feel like the quickest path to success, but it will be the most fulfilling. You have potential get everything you ever dreamed of — mostly because you’re way too stubborn and determined not to — but you can do it while helping everyone else live their best life and follow their dreams, too. Don’t be the super villain in this one, Gemini. Be the one who stops to help the person who’s fallen and gets to be the hero. No one may give you the key to the city for helping out a friend or neighbor, but you’ll have that warm glow of a different kind of success in your heart, and that’s better than any old symbolic key.

Today’s Astrovibe for 7/27/24: The Moon in Aries will conjunct Chiron and then move into Taurus to trine Mercury in Virgo today. You could see a shift to a more thoughtful vibe… as in overthinking. Oopsie! Don’t let your thoughts get too heavy, friend. The good news is that carefully and maturely thinking things through, without the stress, can lead to good things personally or professionally. You’ve got this, you brilliant thinker!



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