Capricorn Horoscope

Jul 26, 2024… Woah there, Cappy! Hold your magical unicorns a minute. Blowing the whole paycheck or unemployment you just pocketed on doing fun stuff may be today’s mood, but hang on a sec. With a Moon in Aries trine Venus in Leo, all your inhibitions might be down, making you want to cut loose. So, cut loose. Not with your whole paycheck though. No need to go out and buy some magic beans (unless they’re coffee beans). Instead, try enjoying what you already have, and if you need a little splurge, keep it reasonable. Maybe don’t buy a private island. Maybe just an umbrella to put in your drink, Goat. Live a little.

Today’s Astrovibe for 7/27/24: The Moon in Aries will conjunct Chiron and then move into Taurus to trine Mercury in Virgo today. You could see a shift to a more thoughtful vibe… as in overthinking. Oopsie! Don’t let your thoughts get too heavy, friend. The good news is that carefully and maturely thinking things through, without the stress, can lead to good things personally or professionally. You’ve got this, you brilliant thinker!



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