Cancer Horoscope

Apr 28, 2024… The light! It burns! Your bright, shining intellect will likely come out in full force this Sunday, Crabby. Maybe bring sunglasses? With the Moon in Cap trine the Sun in Taurus, you could find that your wisdom stems from what you feel in your heart to be true. While some might dismiss the emotional reasoning, your keen intellect will see that your instincts can guide you to promising decisions. Trust that, and show that you’re so much more than a fancy face with a dazzling personality — but also strong, smart, and fierce.

Today’s Astrovibe for 4/29/24: The Moon in Cap will trine Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus and square Mercury and Chiron in Aries. You could be lost in thought, but spidey senses could be on high. A deeper understanding of your own unconscious and a desire to connect personally or spiritually could show up today. So, embrace this vibe for all it’s worth!




The Quick and Dirty Rising Sign Guide

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