Aquarius Horoscope

Sep 13, 2024… Deep thoughts activated! That’s a super power, right Aquarius? Well, you could capitalize on your brainy advantages as the Moon in Cap trine the Sun in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus reflects supercharged insightful energies this Friday. While you tend to be pretty awesome at analyzing any given situation and going deep with your thoughts, it will likely be helpful to rely on a little quick thinking with gut reactions to get you through. Sometimes when you know, you just KNOW. You know? Trust your instincts, WB.

Today’s Astrovibe for 9/14/24: The Moon in Cap will conjunct Pluto and then move into Aquarius today. You may start the day questioning your (or someone else’s) beliefs, but then as the day progresses, you may realize that actions count more than just what you believe. Here’s to starting new things and new ways of looking at things.



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