Astrovibe 101

All of Astrovibe’s Awesome Articles… All in One Place!

Holiday Party

Spotting The Zodiac Signs at the Holiday Party

Deck the halls with boughs of holly. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Tis the season to be jolly. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Don we now our party apparel. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Prepare for...
Holiday Gifts By Sign

Awesome Holiday Gift Ideas By Sun Sign

It’s that time of year again! The lights, trees, and bright holiday decorations are already filling stores, decorating downtown sidewalks, and popping up in...
How the Zodiac Signs Apologize

How the Zodiac Signs Apologize

If the pure Zodiac Signs were people, and they screwed up, how would the Signs apologize? Oh, these archetypes never stop entertaining us, do...
What the signs are bad at

What Do The Zodiac Signs Suck At The Most?

Knowing the ins and outs of your Zodiac is awesome, but it isn’t always peaches and roses. On top of knowing your strengths wherever...
Signs at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Dinner with the Zodiac Signs

When that time of year comes around for turkey, cranberry sauce, and family clashes, there are certain predictable things that can come out of...
Signs on Black Friday

How to Spot Each Sun Sign on Black Friday

Tis the season for holiday gifts. That’s right; Black Friday is approaching and with it, total madness. Forget full moons, Friday the 13th, and...
Zodiac Signs and Money

Which Zodiac Signs Are Best With Dollar Signs?

Money is everything. Well, okay, okay --- I jest. It's not everything, but who doesn't like having a little more? After all, it is more...

If the Zodiac Signs Were Songs

Stop everything! We found this for YOU online. This is the sun sign playlist you didn’t even know you needed. This compilation matches up...

Stress Triggers for Each Zodiac Sign

Got stress? Who doesn’t! On any given day, stressors abound. Slow traffic, overbearing bosses, long blogs before you can read an actual recipe, and...
The Zodiac Signs Go to an Escape Room

The Zodiac Signs in an Escape Room

Welcome to the escape room: a fun night out for some, a night of terror for others. Following the clues could lead to your...

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