Aquarius Horoscope

May 7, 2024… Seeing yourself from outside yourself? Trippy! However, you don’t need hallucinogens to do that this Tuesday. I mean, figuratively speaking. Anyway, Aquarius, seeing yourself from an outside point of view will be fully supported by the Moon in Taurus conjunct Venus and the Sun and square Pluto in Aquarius. Using these energies to the fullest could help you figure out the next steps on your dreams or how to overcome a headache of an obstacle. Just be careful you don’t get hung up on being frustrated with your progress. Hating on yourself does not help you move forward. TRUTH. If you struggle, take a look at how far you’ve come. Now, keep moving forward. Believe in you! I do.

Today’s Astrovibe for 5/6/24: The Moon in Aries will conjunct Mercury and Chiron. This could be a big, communicative vibe. You may find yourself being able to express your feelings better and listening to your inner voice (The good one. Tell the mean one to shut it). Self care or caretaking could be second nature, too. Hit it!



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