Virgo Horoscope

Apr 28, 2024… CAW CAW, FOTHER MUCKER. Virgo, you could be feeling flighty from the emotional energies floating around as the Moon in Cap trines the Sun in Taurus. There aren’t any ants in your pants (I hope), so simmer down, tater tot. You’re also not a bird, but that’s another conversation. As emotions rise throughout the day, you could feel like running in the opposite direction from heavy conversations or heart-to-hearts. Don’t! Challenge yourself to stand your ground. Emotions can sometimes be hard and icky, but they’re no match for you. Overcome by powering through!

Today’s Astrovibe for 4/29/24: The Moon in Cap will trine Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus and square Mercury and Chiron in Aries. You could be lost in thought, but spidey senses could be on high. A deeper understanding of your own unconscious and a desire to connect personally or spiritually could show up today. So, embrace this vibe for all it’s worth!




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