Virgo Horoscope

May 7, 2024… Put on your thinking cap, Virgo! Or don’t. You actually might not need it because pragmatic thinking could come more easily thanks to woke energies from the Moon in Taurus conjunct Venus and the Sun and square Pluto in Aquarius. You will likely be able to see yourself from an outside perspective, which can help with understanding what steps to take next on your journey. The thing is, you’ll need to take some time to think these things through. Masterful schemes don’t come together in a millisecond. Really give this your attention, yo. Get your head in the game, V.

Today’s Astrovibe for 5/6/24: The Moon in Aries will conjunct Mercury and Chiron. This could be a big, communicative vibe. You may find yourself being able to express your feelings better and listening to your inner voice (The good one. Tell the mean one to shut it). Self care or caretaking could be second nature, too. Hit it!



Zodiac Signs Go To Jail

The Zodiac Signs Got Arrested. Here’s Why…

Ever been to jail? Well, the Zodiac Signs have their own special way to...