Leo Horoscope

May 5, 2024… Your tendency to scoot away to store your treasures and never ever get rid of them out of a misplaced sense of loyalty to stuff could have you feeling overwhelmed today, my friend. With a Moon in Aries conjunct Mars, you might have the urge to move and shake. Maybe some of what surrounds you doesn’t resonate with the life you find yourself building. You could have a clear view of your goals, and you could take advantage of today’s strong energy to power through and organize your life and your surroundings to bring it into alignment. Leo, as much as you may want to be loyal to every last scrap of paper you’ve ever owned, time to surround yourself only with what you truly value.

Today’s Astrovibe for 5/4/24: The Moon in Pisces will conjunct Neptune. Growth can surround lessons, learning, practicality, but also come with a side of hot fudge. You could be pulled between indulgence and focusing on goals/plans. How you’ll use that vibe will be up to you because, after all, there is always time for a little hot fudge (or your favorite thing)… on the side, of course.



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