Gemini Horoscope

May 18, 2024… Well, today will likely be another emotionally-charged — wait, no! Come back! DON’T RUN AWAY FROM ME, GEMINI. *whispers* I have cookies. Okay, well, today could be charged with emotions, sure, with the Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing! Whether you’re fed up with some part of your life or you’re bored or whatnot and you feel like changing things up, you can turn your emotions and today’s energies into actually changing stuff up! Yeah, see? I’m not here to lecture you about emotional well-being (not this time…). You can do a little happy dance as you ride the vibes of new possibilities. *Sips tea* And you thought you could run from me and my wisdom. Amateur.

Today’s Astrovibe for 5/18/24: The Moon in Libra will trine Pluto in Aquarius. Spicy meets aloof… your emotions may want to pull closer or get intense, but your head could want some room. Which will you choose?



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