Aries Horoscope

May 7, 2024… What annoys the crap out of you in other people might be a reflection of yourself, cranky Ram. I don’t mean it IS, but have a look at that. Today could be a good day to investigate your shadow self that you might be seeing reflected within your annoyance. If that sounds like a load of crap, hang on. With a Moon in Taurus conjunct Venus and the Sun and square Pluto in Aquarius, the vibes could be strong for being honest with yourself. Note: I didn’t say HARD ON YOURSELF. In fact, the best thing you could do today might be to forgive yourself for not knowing any better until you did, Aries. Now that you know, assuming you had the courage to really take a good look in the mirror, you can figure out what you want to do about it. Nothing could be the answer, but you might find today could be an opportunity to make some changes that help you go from living your life to loving it.

Today’s Astrovibe for 5/6/24: The Moon in Aries will conjunct Mercury and Chiron. This could be a big, communicative vibe. You may find yourself being able to express your feelings better and listening to your inner voice (The good one. Tell the mean one to shut it). Self care or caretaking could be second nature, too. Hit it!



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