Scorpio Horoscope

May 21, 2024… Do you have any cents on ya? I need it to make change. Oh, wait, no. I need SENSE. Lol. Speaking of sense and change, Scorpio, the Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces and square Saturn in Aquarius will promote moments of clarity for pursuing your goals, particularly light bulb ideas on what you can change to get back on top of your game. It’ll be like Christmas. You know, because of all the light bulbs flashing in your brain. Yeah, you get it. Embrace the energies and use them to your advantage. Let there be light, Scorpster.

Today’s Astrovibe for 5/21/24: The Moon in Scorpio will oppose Mercury in Taurus today. Go for it. That thing? The brass ring? Reachable. Things could be possible in ways you hadn’t thought of before. Moments of surprise, clarity, or change can help you toward goals. So, yeah. Go for it!



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